Friday, October 17, 2008

MPAC Holds Press Conference Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West"

My question about this controvery over Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West". Is what they say true? Does the Muslim Brotherhood have a plan for the world?

-Ahmed Haenni

October 12, 2008 ( from MPAC)

"We, as members of civic and religious organizations along with law enforcement, come together united against hate and extremism. We believe that the best way to counter political and religious extremism is through cooperation and coordination. Those who divide our pluralism along the lines of religious or political views only further the cause of extremism. They profit from the fear generated from propaganda while we are on the front lines of pursuing effective public policy to eradicate terrorism.

We have come together to express our deep outrage over the recent distribution of a divisive and hate-provoking DVD called "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West" to residents across the nation.

The intent of this DVD is not to fight the common threat of terrorism, but to mischaracterize Islam in a way that dehumanizes Muslims. In its own way, the DVD is designed to provoke fear in Americans, to paralyze us and turn us against the values of pluralism, egalitarianism, and respect that have made America great.

The Rest @ MPAC

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. and Alex 10/16/2008The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) – an organization identified as a California-based Muslim Brotherhood front – convened a press conference today in Los Angeles with a senior representative of local law enforcement and members of other faiths.

The stated purpose is to unveil a new “united front” initiative called the “Coalition for Renewing American Democracy”

  • The problem for the Muslim Brotherhood is that millions of copies of “Obsession” have been distributed around the United States in recent weeks in national magazines, to several hundred college campuses, at both political conventions, and in local newspapers. As a result, many millions of Americans have had an opportunity to be educated about the ambitions of those who adhere to the Islamic political and legal system known as “Shariah” – namely, the realization through “jihad” of a world-wide and brutally repressive Islamic theocracy.
  • “Obsession” utilizes actual footage of radical Islamist rallies and calls to violent jihad against America, along with interviews of Muslim and non-Muslim experts on radical Islamism.

The Rest @ DocsTalk

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