Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Paying For Jihad Through Dallas Companies

I understand that it may be true that there is a a large technical staffing group in Texas, (Dallas?)I will call Company *** , reverse money laundering money for Jihad in an novel way. Some of its client companies, I will call Company $$$ pays the funds and Company *** makes sure it gets to the Jihadis.

It works like this:

  • Company $$$ writes a contract to Company *** , and pays an agreed upon hourly rate for a specific technical consultant's services, which it may legitimately need.
  • There is a non-written agreement that the hourly contract rate is already marked up a certain (small percentage) and that money will be used for Jihad or to "promote Islam".
  • The consultant works the hours, turns a time card signed by a $$$ company officer.
  • Company *** then pays the contractor, it's employee, a lessor rate
  • (nothing special here - that's how it works in the staffing industry).
  • Company *** then bills Company $$$, who writes the check
  • This is all clean and auditable

At this point Company *** budgets generous matching donation programs, and makes donations to target non-profit groups in the name of a variety of their many employees working all over Dallas.

  • If a Company *** employee finds out that a donation has been made in their name they may be informed that this is a "benefit" they offer the employee, though it does not befit the employee directly.
  • Employees may or may not know about the programs, or are coached into selecting the receiving institutions, and are often unfamiliar with American ways of doing business.
  • The Receiving Targeted non-profit understands that any funds from Company *** are designated for funding for food, medical supplies, clothes, petrol, and "miscellaneous expenses in cash" to geographic areas where Jihadist groups show up as "the poor."
  • This frees up the rest of the Non-profit's money to be used for what they consider their "real causes" like poverty.

Once the hidden Funds are now clean and in the system:

  • The targeted non-profit makes sure that this resupply happens in the area where Jihadists are active, like Somalia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Congo.
  • The targeted non-profit also pays to operate "off the books"diamond mines, where the diamonds are then used to pay for arms.
  • The targeted non-profit finances Micro and not-so-micro finance operations that fund other small business in unregulated areas. The Revenue goes directly for arms.
  • The targeted non-profit also funds the expenses of Militarizing Salafi-Qutbists who teach and recruit Jihadis in the the Dawa systems in South Africa, Angola, Malawi, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Mali, Niger.

To discover where and how this is going on:

  • Look for a staffing company to whom client companies are willing to pay above market rates for consultants, without using multiple bids.
  • Find smaller high-tech H1-(b) visa staffing companies in the area who get stiffed in this way - they will tell you about Company ***
  • Look at their employee donation and donation matching programs
  • Hawalas (remittance companies) are the only way many consultant's can get their money home. - Are donations being handled this way?
  • Look at a Company $$$, when they have managers who may have an interest in funding Jihad, who make consultant or hiring or contracting decisions.
  • Look at a Company $$$ when they have "anti-zionist" written goals

-Ahmed Haenni

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